Sobieski’s Shield

Scutum is one of the 88 official constellations, but it rarely gets noticed or is even mentioned in books. Its stars are no brighter than 4th magnitude and it basically gets lost in one of the bright star clouds of the summer Milky Way. Scutum is the fifth smallest constellation, has no named stars, and is situated between the constellations Aquila and Sagittarius. I only mention this constellation just because of its place in one of the dense Milky Way star clouds. You may not be able to pick out its individual stars, but just gazing into the Milky Way is enough mindset to know that you are seeing another constellation.

Scutum is a modern constellation recognized in 1690 by the astronomer Hevelius. It is the only group named in honor of a then-living person. He was John Sobieski III of Poland. Sobieski stopped the advance of the Turkish army into Vienna in 1680. He was a real hero of the time. The constellation’s full name is “Scutum Sobiescianum,” meaning “Sobieski’s Shield” referring to his family’s shield or coat of arms.

Enjoy….Get outside and remember to look up!

Published by Mark

Mark is an avid photographer and astro-photographer who enjoys observing and imaging the night sky through his telescopes and cameras. He is a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador who is passionate about conducting educational public outreach and bringing the concepts of astronomy down to the human level of understanding. For Mark, it is the darkness and beauty of the night sky that brings light to his day.

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