My Published Book

I’ve been absent from my blog for quite some time. But a lot has been going on in my life, including several social media accounts being hacked or taken down. Whatever the reason, I hope the entities responsible are having fun, and it’s brought them some self-satisfaction. Although unfortunate, I will not let such instancesContinue reading “My Published Book”


Have you ever noticed that during the few days before and after New Moon, the Moon has a soft, faint glow on its unlit portion? This is called Earthshine, and it happens explicitly during the waxing crescent and waning crescent phase or about 1-5 days before or after a New Moon. Earthshine is caused byContinue reading “Earthshine”

String of Morning Planets

If you’ve been out for your pre-dawn walk the past several days, you may have noticed some brighter points of light in the east-southeast sky. If so, then you’ve seen four of the five naked-eye planets. Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn were separated by only 37 degrees across Pisces and Aquarius in early May. FastContinue reading “String of Morning Planets”

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